You can give your client control over the domain name by moving it to a separate Always Amber account. To do this, please ask the new domain holder to create a new account on our system at (if they have an existing Always Amber account, they can skip this step).

You (the current account holder for the domain) submit a ticket at requesting that we move the domain over to the new account, don't forget to include the email address of the new account holder.

We will then move the domain over and confirm that it has been moved.

Some points that should be considered before moving the domain:

1) Once the domain has been moved to a new account, the original account holder will no longer have any control of the domain.

2) Moving a domain between Always Amber accounts, will NOT make any changes to the Registrant Details held by the relevant Registry.

3) Moving a domain between Always Amber accounts, will NOT make any changes to the DNS or hosting records for the domain.

4) If the domain is expired (or close to expiry), the new account holder may not receive any expiry notices via email.

5) We won't be able to refund any recent registration or renewal fee's that may have been paid by the original account holder.

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