Why Choose Always Amber to register .IE domains?


Over 20 years experience registering domain names.


Our pricing has always offered value for momey.

Full DNS Control

You have full control over your DNS settings using our Control Panel.


Concerned about domain security? You can secure your domain with DNSSEC in our Control Panel.

Find Your New .IE Domain Name

.IE Domain Pricing

1 €15.49 €19.99 €21.17
2 €30.98 N/A €42.34
3 €44.00 N/A €63.51
4 €61.96 N/A €84.68
5 €75.00 N/A €105.85
6 €92.94 N/A €127.02
7 €108.43 N/A €148.19
8 €123.92 N/A €169.36
9 €139.41 N/A €190.53
10 €139.00 N/A

Full Information On .IE Domains


Please note : The registration is not realtime, it can take up to 3 working days to validate first time applicants..

Successful domain registration via our control panel requires:

  • Two or more nameservers.
  • As per the registry policy, a registrant must appoint one or more named individuals as administrative contacts, which will act as the registrant’s nominated representative(s).
  • After the registration is requested, a proof of business relationship is requested.
  • Commercial licence (companies) or copy of a passport/drivers license (individuals) is required.

NB:  For companies based outside of the Island of Ireland, proof of trade with Ireland will also be required. Acceptable proof of trade can be an invoice sent to an Irish customer or simply another .ie domain name of the same holder. Find a full overview of accepted proofs in section of the Registrant Terms and Conditions.


You can start an .eu domain transfer through our control panel. This transfer is processed real time and requires the following information:

  • Authorization code
  • Two or more nameservers.

Additional notes on a .ie transfer

  • The authorisation code is valid for 14 days
Authorization code required yes
Method of confirmation authcode
Registration period after transfer extends 1 year
Average transfer time 3 hours

Deletion / Restore


Restore / reactivate

Detailed extension information

Technical information
  • DNSSEC support: no
  • Minimum length: 2 characters
  • Maximum length: 63 characters
  • Allowed characters: a-z 0-9 -
  • IDN characters: á, é, í, ó, ú
  • 2-letter domains should contain at least 1 number
  • Registration period: 1 year
  • Renewal date offset: 0 days
    The number of days before the registry's expiration date, that we require the domain to be renewed.
  • Soft quarantine period: 5 days
    During this period, following after an expiration, the domain can be restored for free. This period does not apply if the domain is deleted explicitly.
  • Quarantine period: 30 days
    During this period, an expired or deleted domain name can be reactivated at an additional fee.
  • Local presence required? no
  • Does Always Amber provide local presence services? n/a
  • Local activity required? yes
  • Correct nameserver configuration required? no
  • A copy of the commercial license (companies) or a copy of an Identity Card (individuals) is required.
  • Proof of a business relationship is required for example an invoice to a customer in this country.

Due to regular changes in registry rules and policies and despite our effort to keep our knowledge base up-to-date, information in the knowledge base may be outdated or incorrect. If there is a discrepancy between the knowledge base and the process in the Always Amber control panel, the process in the Always Amber control panel will be deemed to be correct.